wtorek, 25 sierpnia 2015

9.9 AutoAim (aimbot) WoT Hack

0.9.9 AutoAim (Aaimbot) by SAE v.17.7


- Extended period of use until patch 9.10
- Error correction.
- Added an indication of the captured enemy brackets with the ability to change color.
- Extended parameter display text labels the captured tank <TankName>.
- Adjustment of pre-emption is also considered for the new algorithm.
- Added to the archive mode configuration file, which includes the old algorithm for preemption (if necessary copy with replacement).

środa, 19 sierpnia 2015

World Of Warships AimBOT

The default mode is included to on/off you have to press F8.

Installation: Copy the contents of the archive (folder "res") into the game folder, confirm the replacement of files. In the archive are two versions, they differ in terms of calculation algorithm. Try both and write which version more accurately defines the point (version 0.2 or 0.3).